Easter Sunday Bomb Victims 5 Years On.........

It was Easter Sunday 21/4/2019 in Sri Lanka.

Several bomb blasts went off simultaneously in 3 churches as well as a few 5-star hotels in Colombo that shook the fabric of the entire nation as well as the whole World.

To date, the perpetrators are free to enjoy life, while the victims remain in agony—physically, mentally, and spiritually.

The authorities keep passing the buck conveniently, rattling off flimsy excuses and adding more agony and misery to the innocent bomb victims, not forgetting the hundreds who have laid down their lives to date.

Some of the accused who were found guilty in Courts, ordered to pay compensation to the bomb victims have been given promotions by the corrupt government too.

Lots have been said. It has been only words, not deeds! Politicians are quick to grasp this tragedy to their advantage whenever elections are due (right now it is happening again), promising to deliver justice. But sweet nothing happens once they come to office, which implies that they have blood on their hands too.

The desperate Bomb victims are demanding Justice and The Truth.

Among the numerous activities of the desperate bomb victims and the public who share their concerns is a show of solidarity every month on the 21st, performing a peaceful protest at Baldi Handiya, Katuwapitiya Rd, Negombo, Sri Lanka.

The fact that this protest has been going on for a continuous 62 months portrays a historic struggle for justice

Ravi Sena

21 April 2024


කතෝලික  සභා නායකත්වයට ගිහියන් මෝරා නැතිද....


මහ සිකුරාදා ලංඩනයේ ප්‍රධානතම කතෝලික දේවස්ථානයට පැමිණි විශාල පිරිසක් ආපහු හරවා යවලා...